weighed 17 lbs at her 9 month appointment which was 2 weeks ago (No shots Yay!!)
STILL HAS NO TEETH! Where are them teefers?
is crawling everywhere!! I have to go find her sometimes! And she loves to go up the stairs (and out came the baby gate). And she is pulling up on everything and even starting to cruise a little.
loves to take stuff out of the cabinets (keeps her entertained in the bathroom while Mommy gets ready)
is stressin Momma out with her eating habits (or lack of) - She will only eat fruit and puffs. She doesn't even really like the fruit she just eats it - if I never gave her a bite of food again she wouldn't care.
Says "bye-bye" (which sounds like "duh dye") and waves
Says "kitty" - Evan will not admit to this but she loves the cats, follows, chases, and yanks on them and says a word that sounds a lot like "kitty" when she sees them.
Claps with much enthusiasm!
Puts everything in her mouth (unless it's a vegetable) - green beans get thrown on the floor before even a taste but cat hair, carpet fuzz, toilet paper - IN THE MOUTH!
Finally drinks from a sippy cup
Thinks "no-no" & "no ma'am" are just some crazy things Mommy says.
Takes 1 long nap around lunchtime and a catnap around dinner time. Everyday when she starts getting sleepy, I put her in the jumper and one second she is jumping like crazy and the next she is asleep. Then we move onto her bed.
Ok here's the 10 Things we are looking forward to:
1. THE BEACH! One week from today we are going to Myrtle Beach with Brett, Missy, Ellie, Matthew, Jane, and Eli and we are so pumped! So excited for Audrey's first trip to the beach and also glad we are going with awesome friends :)
2. One Year Birthday for my rugrat - less than 2 months away! It's not real and it's not going to happen.
3. Summer & The Pool - Finally it's almost here (although this cold, gloomy weather the past few days seems more like winter) - we will be heading outside to enjoy the warmth and prune up in the pool - Hoping the little lady likes swimming as much as Mommy. She did like her little pool on the deck on the few days of a warm tease we got last week.
4. Um...Teeth - I'm dying to see them! And I want to stop blaming everything on teething
5. The ZOO - We made our first zoo trip and purchased a membership so we can go for free for the next year! Audrey did not look at a single animal but she enjoyed riding around in the stroller outside all day long! We went with the grandparents but next time, Daddy will get to go!
6. Mommy and Daddy's Birthdays - in June - and I can't wait to reward my sweet, loving, hard-working, deserving, wonderful Daddy/Hubby with something special (it's a secret) ;) And he's pretty good at cooking up a special birthday so I'm excited to see what my big 25 will be like. 25?? That rounds up to 30. It's all down hill from here. Daddy will be 29 - that really is almost 30.
This was our chat while I was confirming that he would indeed be 29:
me: Are you gonna be 29?? That seems weird to me.
Sent at 1:57 PM on Wednesday
Evan: i know, i'm old
me: daaaaaang. wrinkly man.
Evan: you know i ain't
i'm built like a greek god, obviously
7. The park - during this summer that I am so looking forward to, I'm sure will make many a trip to the park. As you can see the look of delight on her face in the swing. She did like it more than it appears. But oh what a sad face that is?!
8. A Walking Bambina - I usually am torn about being excited for the next stage and savoring every moment of the one she is in but it sure will be nice when she doesn't have her poor little knees and hands on the dirty floors and we can put her down in public places!
9. Father's Day - My First Mother's Day was super special. I did miss my Mummy though. I felt loved and appreciated. I still have a surprise coming this Friday - wonder what it is?! I can't wait for Father's Day
10. Family, Friends, babies for family and friends, babies for us (not yet though), seeing what God has in His plan for us, and this beautiful, beautiful life that seems to be going so fast.
Audrey had a wonderful 1st Easter. Beautiful church service. Evan's family over for lunch on the deck. And of course Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny!
Mother's Day was P-E-R-F-E-C-T. I felt special. The weather was beautiful. EVERYONE in Evan's family was present for dinner by the pool at the parent's house - including Memry and Greg in from London with my new nephew sweet tiny Samuel. We miss them. There is no doubt Memry was made to be a mommy!
Love this little post about your 10 month old, BUT, she is now ONE!!!! Where are the party pics?? I need an Audrey update pronto!!